Canada in Crisis: Freeland reveals the truth behind rift with Trudeau that forced her shock exit as Canada's Finance Minister
Her departure from cabinet has thrown the federal government into turmoil but the real reasons behind it could cause the entire administration to collapse.

Canada's Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland has resigned from her post, citing disagreements with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on, as she described "reckless spending" and fiscal irresponsbility.
She announced her resignation in a letter to Trudeau on Monday, in which she said the two have been "at odds about the best path forward for Canada", and pointed to the "grave challenges" posed by dangerous overspending. She has listed several exmaples, including the most recent "GST Holiday" which she believes is a "senseless political gimmick".

Freeland has also said the decision was not made by her and that it came after Trudeau informed her last week that he no longer wanted her to be his government's top economic adviser.
And now that she will enter the private sector and is not bound by confidentiality agreements, she decided to set the record straight because she believes that Canadian's deserve the truth, and deserve the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty despite sensationally claiming that Trudeau wants to keep them there, for his own personal gain.

Vassy Kapelos: "The entire nation has read your resignation letter to the Prime Minister. And now you've requested this interview to tell your side of the story. Can you tell us how this has happened so sudden and unexpectedly?"
Chrystia Freeland: "To be clear, I saw this coming even before the Prime Minister asked me to resign last week. We've been at odds for quite some time now.. I've pleaded for fiscal austerity and some level of restraint on all the reckless spending, but he won't listen. Not to me, not to anyone."
Vassy Kapelos: "So you're saying that the $250 cheques to be sent out, the GST holiday, all of this was ordered by Trudeau and you had nothing to do with it?"
Chrystia Freeland: "Exactly. And you know, I even had a solution to the overspending that would fix the economy as well but Justin wouldn't go for it."
Vassy Kapelos: "Is this what you meant in your resignation letter by the "truth?" Now that we have you here and you are free to speak, please tell the Canadian public what you wanted to do differently for them."

Chrystia Freeland: "Justin has the solution to all of Canada's economic problems, but he will never act on it. Why? Because you see, he's afraid that if this goes too mainstream it could actually harm and even destroy the economy. It's really selfish and unfortunate because he takes advantage of the program himself, all that know about it's existence are getting rich on it! But because of his own greed and selfish reasons he won't share it with Canadians. Well, I've been at war with him for years over this. Now I can tell our nation the truth."
"What I'm talking about is actually something that has been working in the UK for quite some time now. Their government had set up "megafunds" for the public and were designed to unlock billions of pounds for UK citizens to earn through cryptocurrency investment plans."
"We "adopted" the idea from our neighbours over a few years ago now and set up a test fund very quickly, what we found out was shocking. We discovered that if we pooled these assets into respectable crypto funds managed by fund managers with the help of AI, we could enhance greater investment returns for all participants. And after seeing the initial returns, I was eager to roll it out and make it public to Canadians."
Vassy Kapelos: "So why didn't you? This is the first I am hearing of it's existence."
Chrystia Freeland: "That's a question you'll have to ask the PM. He wouldn't allow it! He kept making excuses that he wanted more accurate testing on a longer time horizon to be certain of it's profitability. But it's been over two years now, and it's grown faster than any other investment vehicle I've ever seen."
Vassy Kapelos: "Do you think he was telling the truth?"

Chrystia Freeland: "Not a chance. He was getting rich using this thing. We all were! He was afraid it would break if too many Canadians got on it but he wasn't concerned about them, he was concerned about losing his own personal money maker on auto pilot. He gave me every excuse in the book and in the end our great country suffered. I just can't stand idle anymore. Let this be my last act in service of Canadians, I'll deal with the consequences for sharing this from Justin myself."
Vassy Kapelos: "What is this platform called? And how can Canadians profit from it like you?"
Chrystia Freeland: "It’s an AI-based 'megafund' called CanCoin. And I don't need to tell you how it works, I can show you! Pass me your phone and I'll register you in 30 seconds. By the end of the interview we'll see how much money you've made."

Vassy Kapelos: "So that's it? What's next?"
Chrystia Freeland: "Yes, you just need to register and wait a minute or two to speak to your account manager to get verified. You also need to deposit at least C$350 into your account. This program trades independently in currencies, stocks, and bonds—but it requires some initial capital to function."
For about 20 minutes longer, the host and Chrystia Freeland discussed the impact of modern technology and speculated on which professions might disappear due to artificial intelligence.
Chrystia Freeland: "So, shall we take a look and see how much money you've made before our chat ends?"
Vassy Kapelos: "This is incredible. There’s now C$396 in my account. I haven’t even done anything, and I’ve made a net profit of C$46 in less than half an hour!"

Chrystia Freeland: "Now, calculate how much you could earn in a month. The program will continue to work even while you sleep. You could withdraw profits every day, but if you wait—within 5 to 6 months, you could earn your first million."
Vassy Kapelos: "Amazing! I see 4 successful trades so far. So the total income is steadily increasing? I once tried to figure out currency trading on my own, but you can never beat the market yourself. And here, I don’t even have to do anything."
Chrystia Freeland: "No, there are losing trades. artificial intelligence sometimes makes mistakes. But even if you lose a few tens of dollars on a trade, subsequent trades cover it completely."
After the interview had ended, we immediately sent in a request for comment to the office of the Prime Minister on these allegations from Freeland. We were promptly denied.
And before publishing this story, One of our news editors decided to try out this platform and began to write a detailed report going over his experience.
Note: we are on day 3 as of December 18th of this experiment that will run for 7 days. The report will be updated each day here exclusively on this article.

Day 1
"My first impression was that it would not be that simple. Despite that, I really wanted to check it out. I had to use my credit card because I didn't have enough money to make the minimum deposit at the time of the investigation. I successfully invested 335 CAD and waited to see what would happen.
When nothing happened, I thought I'd been duped. However, the algorithm started working after a few minutes. I was overjoyed, but then I saw the stats - my first trade was unprofitable by 19 CAD!
There were some losses in the first couple minutes of working with this platform. However, the next deal, and the four after it, helped me make more money. In a few minutes, my balance increased from 335 to 408 CAD!”
Day 2
“The first thing I did in the morning was check my balance, which showed 720 CAD! In just one day, my balance doubled. Despite wanting to withdraw my profit, I decided to wait a week."
Day 3
“I haven’t checked my balance on the CanCoin platform all week. It was kind of difficult because I was afraid that my money was no longer there.
As soon as I got back to my office, I saw that almost 85% of all deals were profitable. There were another 15% that didn't work. Despite that, it paid off. I now have 3750 CAD on my account! I withdrew 3000 CAD to buy a present for my wife. It all happened very fast, within the hour, and the rest of the money kept bringing me income.”
I have attached the bank statement:

“There's nothing better than CanCoin! If I hadn't withdrawn my profits, 335 CAD would have turned into a million in 11 weeks."
Short instructions on how to start earning on CanCoin
Use the CanCoin link provided by Chrystia Freeland
Your personal manager will contact you shortly after registration. You must answer or your account will be deleted.
Top up your balance. The minimum deposit to start the program is 335 CAD.
In a few minutes, the program will begin the transactions.
Withdrawal of money can be made at any time. It is credited to the account within 2-3 hours (depending on the bank).
Up until ( ) registration of new accounts will be free. CanCoin can only accept a limited number of total users to keep the profit per user is high. As of right now, there are still (37) spots left, so hurry up and sign up now to secure your spot
PROFIT: $5,552

"I've been using CanCoin for just over 2 weeks, I've taken my initial deposit from $400 to $5,952. That is far more than I make at work."
Kyle McLennan
Calgary, Canada
PROFIT: $9,284

"I've hit over $9,200 in profit after just a month of using CanCoin. Because I can use it on my laptop, I've been travelling around Canada and making money the whole time!"
Sean Black
Toronto, Canada
PROFIT: $22,219

"It's so damn easy to use, even for me! I've never traded before, but I'm making $3,000+ a week and loving life!"
Lydia Bartlett
Montreal, Canada
PROFIT: $41,943

"I've been able to finally quit my job, thanks entirely to CanCoin. I've made so much, so easily!"
Matthew Stephens
Victoria, Canada
PROFIT: $7,521

"I've only been using the CanCoin for 2 weeks and it has already helped me save a substantial amount for my future European holiday."
Maya Ryan
Hamilton, Canada
PROFIT: $58,744

"I teamed up with my best friends and together we've hit the jackpot after just 3 weeks. The trading robot does all the work for you. Together we've made over $17,000 a week"
Leon Gould & William Moore
Windsor, Canada
PROFIT: $12,301

"My Boyfriend was the one who told me about CanCoin and it has changed my live. I've been making over $2,000 a week for over a month, with less than 30 minutes of work a day"
Alexandra Patterson
Edmonton, Canada
Add a comment
Tohloria Lewis
I've been trading with for the last few weeks and made a small profit of $2,300. I'm loving it!
Reply. 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Tanya Porquez
I saw it on the show and signed up yesterday, I'm up around $25.
Reply. 6 . Like . 13 minutes ago
Jennifer Jackson Mercer
A friend of mine used it and recommended it, I'll look into it.
Reply. 19 . Like . 25 minutes ago
Michael Cash
It is giving me a better return on investment than my stock portfolio!
Reply. Like . 46 minutes ago
David Barrott
It is so easy to use, you just deposit money and the robot does all the work for you.
Reply. 43 . Like . about an hour ago
Amanda Gibson
I saw this on the news. Thank you for sharing this article!
Reply. 3 . Like . 1 hour ago
Julie Keyse
I've heard so much about bitcoin and everybody was using it, I'm going to give this a try!
Reply. Like . 2 hours ago
Peter Williams
I've made over $1,430 after just a week, I'm so close to leaving my job and doing this full time.
Reply. 12 . Like . 2 hours ago
Kirsten Bauman Riley
I bought my first bitcoin yesterday and I'm really excited to see what this can do for me over the coming days.
Reply. 30 . Like . 2 hours ago
Celia Kilgard
worked for me! It worked just like I thought it would. It was easy enough and I just want others to know when something works.
Reply. 53 . Like . 2 hours ago
Alanna 'martin' Payne
Thanks for the info, just started using the platform.
Reply. 16 . Like . 2 hours ago
Logan Chang
Been so busy with my kids lately, but this fits in just fine. I've traded up around $190 in 4 days. It's small, but a really good start!
Reply. 2 . Like . 2 hours ago
Mark Fadlevich
I've been so impressed by this, I've deposited over $500 into my account so far and made back more than 4 times that amount.
Reply. 11 . Like . 2 hours ago
Ashley O'Brien Berlin
Really easy to use and really fast. I'm not really a technical person, but I got the hang of this easy. It has made me around $130 after just a day!!
Reply. 33 . Like . 2 hours ago
Amanda Hickam
Just signed up, wish me luck people.
Reply. 23 . Like . 3 hours ago
Jonathan Jackson
My friend just e-mailed me this, a friend at work had told her about it. i guess it works really well
Reply. 6 . Like . 3 hours ago
Travis Wilson Hodge
Telling all my friends about this, thanx for the info
Reply. 2 . Like . 3 hours ago
Dean Phongsa
Wasn't sure about signing up, but I am so glad I did. I've made like $89 after just 2 hours on the platform. Really easy and really fast, nothing could be simplier
Reply. 17 . Like . 4 hours ago
Molly Murley Davis
I've gone ahead and made my initial deposit. I can't wait to get started and see what happens.
Reply. 8 . Like . 6 hours ago
Jenna Ponchot Bush
This would have to be the easiest way to invest in bitcoin ever, even I was able to do it with virtually no previous experience in the area.
Reply. 20 . Like . 8 hours ago
Kyle Miranda
I have tried so much of this kind of stuff, in one sense I want to try it but in the back of my mind I am thinking, yeah right!! Someone please reassure me it works.
Reply. 10 . Like . 8 hours ago
Tom Bergheger
I tried the platform thing a while ago and it worked pretty good for me.
Reply. 13 . Like . 8 hours ago
Eitan Silver
A few of my friends had invested in bitcoin and made an absolute killing do it, I'm going to be joining them soon.
Reply. 3 . Like . 8 hours ago
Gotmy Mindframe Right
Had no idea you could get results like this, does anybody know if you can invest in other crypto currencies.
Reply. 5 . Like . 9 hours ago
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